i am a 17 years old girl who loves music. fashion. my style. other peoples veiw of style... now I know you gonna have a crush for me.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I wish I could get clo-ser to you.

Not sure what to call it seeing as how it is neither nor a jacket or quite yet a cape. Has left me a bit, well I am a bit confounded. On a light note I wonder what it feels to be the outsider of outerwear (pun intended) not accepted in the coat section and if it was accepted I'm sure they talk about it behind its unfinished back. What a shame. If you have the real name for this please enlighten a ignorant blogger. Nonetheless I have seen this "trend of sorts" from sea to shining sea and everywhere in between(my limerick skills are improving I could very well be a leprechaun). Milan, London and even New York runway shows have had some variation of this "shoulder shield" (ah alliteration, all these years in school have paid off) There is the
"what I lack in sleeves I make up for in collar" look as well as the "Ha! I fooled you, just when you thought I was going to be a coat" look, complete with buttons and all, of course. What I would do is go as far as to maybe even give it a hood. Couldn't you imagine a coat that barely covers your womanly parts to go covering your head? insanity. or maybe I am the one who is insane for thinking this way, I choose the former.

(watch out for this look it's everywhere)

1 comment:

the StReeT chanteuse said...

thank you. I thought so too!

-amber "the street chanteuse"

THE StReeT chanteuse is

THE StReeT chanteuse is